To see or not to see

As a teenager, I attended a large revival. It was actually called a crusade and held at the coliseum of Mississippi Delta Junior College in Moorehead. Several prominent lay people from various denominations in the delta had pooled resources to launch the idea. Churches from a wide geographic area were invited to help sponsor and support the event providing choir members, volunteers and buses to … Continue reading To see or not to see

When No Means Yes


Lady Writing a Letter, Thomas Faed
Lady Writing a Letter by Thomas Faed


I have a l.o.n.g. wish list of projects I would like to start (and finish), books and blogs I would like to read, walking trails I would like to explore, people I would like to see, notes I would like to write. The list is so great that at times it can be overwhelming. And in the midst of all this list-making new opportunities often present themselves.

Continue reading “When No Means Yes”